Is time important? A simple question yet requires many explanations either logical or scientific.
Well majority of us will agree that TIME plays an important role in our life.
Do you know the value of a year?
-ask a student who failed a grade.
-ask a student who failed a grade.
The value of a month?
-ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.
The value of a week?
-ask a secretary who failed to present her paper works.
The value of an hour?
-ask the lovers who supposed to meet up in a date.
The value of a minute?
-ask a person who missed the train.
The value of a second?
-ask a person who just happen to be caught in an accident.
I know how important time is, not just by thinking logically, researching and pondering words to show that it is important. I just want you to know, that long ago, TIME let me experience life without his existence.
Have you experienced before that at that very moment you were at your best, your smile reached your ears, and your world is almost complete? And just after a few seconds, you felt like your life is like trash, that the world left you all alone, that you were cursed by everyone? Have you experienced that?
Well I did. It was summer time, the sun shines brightly in the velvet sky, truly a pleasant weather. I just woke up that day and suddenly got bored so I went outside and played the sport that I loved the most, basketball. I was at the heat of the game, getting pressured by the enemies as they cross the court to our line of defense, I was there on a defense position, one of the opposing team dashed into the middle. What did I do? I tried to stop him of course, that's the body mechanism of a basketball player. I was in front of him and suddenly . . . . . . . . .BAAM! I was on the floor and was wondering why are they looking at me. And then it struck me, my arm just won't move and felt numb, I cant believe it with my own eyes .I didn't expect that because of that decision I was forced to quit the game that I love the most. That is the event that TIME made me experience life without him. I cant believe that a split second can change your way of living. Well thats all for today. . .Goodnight! haha
- credits to joseph (sa title) haha XD
- credits to joseph (sa title) haha XD
Is that how you broke your arm the first time?